- Continuous physical, emotional, and informational support during pregnancy, labour, and childbirth.
- Support from a person who understands and trusts the process of birth, and who helps facilitate the birth experience for the parents, baby, and primary care providers.
- Emotional support.
- Exercise and physical suggestions to make pregnancy and childbirth more comfortable.
- Help with preparation of a birth plan.
- Facilitation of communication between members of labouring woman’s birth team – though most doula certification programs discourage doulas from talking directly with caregivers for the mother/partners.
- Massage and other non-pharmacological pain relief measures.
- Positioning suggestions during labour and birth.
- Support the partner so that he/she can provide support and encouragement to the labouring woman.
- Help to avoid unnecessary interventions.
- Help with breastfeeding preparation and beginning.
- Some doulas offer a written record of the birth (birth story).
- Is present during entire labour and afterwards as long as is needed by parent(s).
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